Friday, January 7, 2011

A time for rest

With the major excitement earlier in the week settling down all three Smith's spent most of the day in bed. Luckily they had Grandma and Grandpa Toler in town to help around the house.

Little Toler's breathing progression plateaued a bit today which necessitated the administration of Pulmonary surfactant, common in most preemies. Surfactant naturally occurs in lungs, however additional amounts help to reduce surface tension in an effort to support breathing. The nurse said he responded very well and we are hoping to see the CPAP removed within a few days.

'lil Toler sleeping

Later this afternoon Emily and Grandma saw a very active Toler squirm around and pull on all his monitors before settling down. Think he was showing off his super-preemie skills for Grandma.

Our night nurse Nicole made this sign for us

Back at the homestead mom and dad spent a few extra hours in bed resting and recovering from a long, stressful, yet joyous week.

Thank you all again for the bountiful flowers & gifts. Please know that our domain is very colorful and smells wonderful.

Everyone's love and support is felt here in Denver and we are very excited to introduce Toler to all.  Emily has been especially touched by all of the personal notes of support and shared experiences and looks forward to responding to each directly.

Steve, Emily and Toler

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