We continue to be blessed with positive news all around. In addition to Toler's continued improvement and Mom's excellent health and recovery we've welcomed Toler's Grandmother and Grandfather (Glenda & Gerald) to Denver this evening. We are very happy to have family for love and support!
Toler's Health
Toler had his first feeding today and continues to do very well all things considered. Since he is on regular feeding our 'care time' has been reduced from every four to every three hours, as such we will get more opportunity to assist with his feeding, diaper changing, and holding.
As with most babies, and very prevalent in preemies, Toler is being treated for Jaundice with light treatment. In addition we are hoping Toler's breathing remains stable so we can remove the CPAP machine and argue who's side of the family he favors more. As mentioned yesterday we would expect the breathing assistance to be removed within days.
Mom's Health
Emily continues to be in excellent health. All routine checks ups performed on Emily after delivery have been met with amazement on her physical fitness and lack of any pain. As mentioned yesterday, Emily would have checked out minutes after birth. We were given the opportunity to stay through the end of the week, but elected to check out to for more comfort.
Change of Address
As mentioned before, family has helped us secure a room at the Ronald McDonald House of Denver. Our new mailing address is:
Steve & Emily Smith
1300 East 21st Ave. Room 3I
Denver, CO
We will call this home for the next 6-8 weeks before our journey back to Charlotte in the spring. We've continued to receive several thoughtful notes of well wishes, beautiful flowers & gifts, and kind words of encouragement from many of our friends and family. We cannot express how grateful we are for the support we've received to date.
Steve, Emily and Toler
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