Friday, January 14, 2011

Well wishes appreciated

Steve, Emily and Toler continue to receive very thoughtful emails, messages, notes and cards from our family and friends alike.  We cannot express how much each of these mean to us and Toler, we appreciate each and every one of you.  As news of Toler spread back home to North Carolina his cousins anxiously await his trip home for their first visit.

Love from the little cousins, and Noah reminding uncle Steve of the Spartans bowl game defeat

Toler continues to be the delight of the nurses in his NICU, partially because he is doing so well, partially because he doesn't really cry yet, but mostly because of his rugged good looks (those nurses never stood a chance).  Each day Toler's feedings increase (he has moved from 3cc's up to just under 20cc's every 4 hours).  I have no idea what a "cc" is but his feedings are about the size of a sharpie marker.  In addition to his increased appetite his oxygen support has decreased both in flow and saturation, both really good progression.  Finally Toler hasn't seen any Bradys in the past 24 hours, this isn't to say they are gone for good, but the low dowse of caffeine he is receiving is apparently working.  He will continue on this until he is off his IV for good (in 2-3 weeks).

Steve, Emily and especially Toler are very sad to see Grandma Glenda and Grandaddy Gerald leave tomorrow morning.  All three were fortunate to have such loving parents (and grandparents) come and spend some quality time with everyone.  We will miss the walks to the NICU, several hours in uncomfortable waiting room chairs, nice meals spent together, and of course the laundry service.  Next time they'll see 'lil Toler he will be doubled in size and already saying "y'all."

We will leave everyone with Mom & Dad's absolute favorite part of the day, when we get to hold him in our arms.

Favorite part of Dad's day
My favorite sight in the world
Steve, Emily and Toler

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