Sunday, January 23, 2011

Watch out all eligible women ages 0-3 months...

...located in the Graduate NICU, 'cause a new bachelor has been let out of his cage!

Take a long look 'cause this is the last you'll see of Toler in an isolette...
unless of course you look back at older pictures

They grow up so fast

In addition to graduating into an open crib, Toler has also dropped ANOTHER cord.  With the removal of oxygen we now do not need to keep his pulse oximeter on him constantly.  As a preemie recently off oxygen, there will still be intermittent checks to ensure his blood is properly saturated with oxygen.  However it is not necessary full time any longer.

With the removal of so many wires and tubes (not to mention the open crib) Mom & Dad are excited about the new found access to Toler.  Our little guy will still have three heart monitor leads and his feeding tube, but minus any set backs, we are so excited to have greater access to him.

Now for the picture of the most eligable bachelor in the Graduate NICU....

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

Watch out ladies

Steve, Emily, and heartbreaker Toler


  1. Awesome news. He's already flaunting...must have picked that up from his daddy..

    Enjoy the new fam. All the best, Patrick, Christine, Cameron, and Kiersten
