Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not much news

Not much news is good news for now.  Toler is continuing to do what all good preemies do...sleep, eat, and poop.  For the precious few moments he is awake and alert we take full advantage to hold him and read to him.  Also, Mom enjoys dressing the little guy in his baby clothes, crazy that he still is swimming in his preemie size.  We will be sure to hold onto one item to show Toler when he towers over Mom & Dad.

With that, here are a few cute pictures from today.

Already a better dancer than Dad


Look ma...BOTH hands!
Steve, Emily and our little calf Toler

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing amount of progress he has made in such a short amount of time. Keep growing, Toler (and sleeping, eating, and pooping) and you will be fitting into those baby clothes quicker than your mom can say "MiniBoden". xoxo
