Lots to smile about |
As any proud first time parents we are absolutely loving all of Toler's "firsts". Toler's first smile, his first coo, his first laugh, first roll over, and maybe most importantly his first night of uninterrupted sleep.
Toler had two other "firsts" in the past couple weeks; day care and a trip to the beach! Mom and Dad had a hard time taking our little guy to day care, but felt fortunate enough to be able to keep him home long enough for his immune system to develop. Also, Mom enjoyed picking out Toler's clothes for his first day of school.
As previously mentioned, Toler is continuing to move from newborn to infant in his development. Mom and Dad are unbelievably happy that Toler is a great sleeper and is now successfully sleeping (or peacefully resting) in his crib over 10 hours each night. Each morning brings joy to whom ever wakes up first as Toler is a happy riser and almost always greets Mom and/or Dad with smiles and coos.
Toler, like all infants, takes his parents on the joys of phases. Mother's day was about the time Toler requested to be held, for pretty much his entire waking time. To which his mother enjoyed the mutual cuddle time, but wasn't always eager to be on her feet as Toler preferred to be elevated as well. As Father's day approaches Toler now prefers to be entertained on a play mat working on gripping his blanket and stuffed monkey. When held, he kindly would ask that you face him outward to be able to use his developing eyes to see the world around him.
Thumbsucker? |
Besides the known benefits of day care (socialization, immune system development, someone else taking care of dirty diapers) Mom and Dad were amazed at how quickly Toler picked up and excelled at baby yoga.
I was just doing a search for water therapy at PSL and found your blog. I immediately recognized you! Toler was in the incubator next to one of our sons for a while (we have twins Avery and Bromley). I'm so glad to see him doing well!