Monday, February 14, 2011

Heading Home

It's true.  After one ambulance ride, two surprised parents, three calendar months, four NICU rooms, five visitors, and countless dirty diapers the Smith family is heading home tomorrow!  We have had an amazing ride here in Colorado with world class health care and fantastic support from our family and friends, now we are ready to start our new family at home.  Our amazing friends will be helping with both the transportation as well as prepping our home for Toler and parents arrival. 

Our doctor confirmed that Toler is ready for discharge tomorrow evening and our travel plans home have been solidified.  Toler has been off of oxygen for over a month now and has shown that he can breath with ease in the mile high city.  Toler's lung strength will easily get him home in a pressurized aircraft, and he will get a real breath of fresh air once he is near sea level in the Carolinas.  Mom and Dad are reading up on how to use Toler's car seat as well his Baby Bjorn; we confirmed that we do not need to learn Swedish to effectively use this product.

Today Toler became Mommy's little valentine and Daddy surprised everyone by shaving for the first time in well over two months.

Mommy's little Valentine

Mom has two Valentines now!
Mom and Dad will rest up tonight for our big journey home tomorrow, and cannot be more excited to finally take their little bundle of joy home with them for good.  We simply cannot thank or express our gratitude for all of the prayers, love and support from everyone.  Toler's fantastic progress and his parents stability are a blessing from all.
As we will be in transit tomorrow evening, please pardon us if we do not have an update, but we'll be sure to let everyone know we made it home safely once we've had a chance to settle in and get whatever rest we can.

Steve, Emily and our frequent flier Toler

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