Sunday, August 7, 2011

Growing and growing...

It's been over two months since Toler's last blog and a lot has been happening with our little guy.

My new favorite position

As you can see above, Toler is now a rolling machine, spending a lot of time playing (and sleeping ) on his tummy.  Mom & Dad are very excited about this development but are scared at the thought of a mobile baby, our home's idea of 'baby-proofing' is keeping the beer on the top shelf of the fridge.

Since our last blog, Toler joined his loving extended family on his first family beach trip.  As you can see below, he has a bunch of loving cousins to teach him all the tricks of the trade

One more added to the mix this year
While at the beach, Toler turned 6 months old, learned how to swim, and built several sand castles...well one of those is true.

In addition to Toler's big beach trip, he is also making daily trips to day care.  Toler continues to be very happy in day care and enjoys melting young girls hearts.  A well known benefit (or so they say) is the acceleration of exposure to germs.  Mom & Dad were clearly sensitive to Toler getting his first illness outside of a hospital.  Inevitably Toler did get sick, a couple of times, and has done remarkably well!  Below Toler is waiting to be diagnosed with the 'day care croup', which of course Dad (but not Mom) also is susceptible to.

It's nice to be in a hospital ONLY for diagnosis

Flying baby!
But through it all, Toler's biggest achievement to date was arguably spending an entire weekend in the sole care of his father!  Several caring individuals were placed at ease knowing that Dad & Toler not only made it through the weekend unscathed, but had a great time hanging out.  Both of course terribly missed Mom, and were happy to see her home.

Other notable developments in Toler's growth includes, but not limited to increased 'communication', head control, teething, and shopping (Mommy's influence is starting early).  You'll see below Toler's ability to hold onto purchased goods and chew on his blanky like a puppy.

Toler continues to be an exceptionally happy baby, and thrills his parents daily with his joy.  We will leave readers of this blog with pictures from Toler's 7-month birthday below, happy as ever.

Silly boy!

7 months!

Steve, Emily, and our Tummy loving Toler

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